Sunday, July 29, 2012

Clothes For Short People-The Latest in Fashion

Clothes For Short People-The Latest in Fashion

If you are a man or woman, you may believe that your lack of height restricts your choice of Clothing almost to nothing. Of course, it is understandable that you are frustrated about not being taller. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about that. But you should not conclude that your physical shape dooms you to never finding nice Clothes that also disguise your shorter stature. Selecting the right clothes from the vast array on offer at malls and stores might seem a daunting prospect, especially considering that most clothing today is tailored for the taller person. However, if you pay attention to the following guide, the task could be easier than you think:

Clothes For Short People-The Latest in Fashion

Clothes For Short People-The Latest in Fashion

Clothes For Short People-The Latest in Fashion

Clothes For Short People-The Latest in Fashion

Clothes For Short People-The Latest in Fashion

For short Men there are some styles that are unsuitable from the start. Avoid anything that isnoticeably baggy or over-sized. This applies to Pants, shirts, jackets and coats-in fact to all clothes. Baggy garMents always make the wearer appear shorter and fatter, which is an obvious disadvanTAGe for anyone already possessing those unfavorable physical characteristics. Instead, seek out any clothing that is slim cut. Such styles create a slimmer, apparently taller outline.

Apart from tailoring, there is also the question of colors and designs. For short Men, darker colors are preferable to lighter shades, as they have a subtly slimming effect. They same is true again of plain, solid-color designs, which should be chosen in favor of checks and other busy patterns. Stripes are another problem area: When faced with a choice between vertical and horizontally striped clothing,always go for vertical, since this can create an illusion of increased height and a slimmer build.

For woMen, as well, all the above principles apply, with an additional recommendation for high-heeled shoes, for the obvious reason that they will actually give you some extra height, as well as being stylish in their own right.

Clothes For Short People-The Latest in Fashion

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Muslim Swimwear at an Islamic Shop

Muslim Swimwear at an Islamic Shop

With the long and sunny summer break here, parents and kids alike are looking forward to spending some time at the beach and on the pool sides in order to avoid the high heat as much as possible. At the same time though, Muslims face a problem about the swimwear available in regular stores, as they are not at all appropriate for Muslim wear. Therefore it is important to head out to your local shop and buy Muslim Islamic swimwear, which will be modest and decent yet will let you enjoy the cool waters in the summer heat.

Muslim Swimwear at an Islamic Shop

Muslim Swimwear at an Islamic Shop

Muslim Swimwear at an Islamic Shop

Muslim Swimwear at an Islamic Shop

Muslim Swimwear at an Islamic Shop

Muslim swimwear for woMen consists of a complete bodysuit which covers the body from throat to toe along with the arms completely. In addition there is a swimming cap which is similar to the hijab and keeps the head covered. The body suitusually consists of two pieces, a shirt and full legged swim Pants in order to minimize the revealing nature of body hugging Clothes. These Muslim swimwear items can be purchased from an Islamic shop, in particular an Islamic shop which specializes in Clothing and apparel items.

For Muslim Men, the swimming shorts are knee length with t-shirts to cover the upper body in accordance to the Shariah. This allows the Men to swim comfortably without exposing the private body parts to others swimming with them. Men's swimwear for Muslims is also available at the Islamic shop near you, or can be purchased at the various online Islamic stores.

All swimwear is available in an array of colors and styles which allows the buyer to select the ones they feel suittheir personality. Ranging from vibrant reds and oranges to fuchsia and pink as well as earthen toned yellows and greens and blues and aqua sea breeze 's, these swimming costumes can make you look modest ye attractive on the beach.

The idea behind a local Islamic shop promotes a healthier environment for Muslims to purchase decent and modest clothing items including swimwear which is appropriate for wear by Muslim men and women. The trend for Muslim swimwear initially began in Australia where Muslim women in particular felt the need to come up with modest swimwear which they can wear and enjoy the cool and soothing water in pools and beaches. However, today this concept is widely used and gaining popularity all around the globe and is available at each andevery Islamic shop worldwide.

So ladies and gentlemen, head out to our local Islamic shop and purchase modest Muslim swimming gear for yourselves and your families before heading out to the beach this year.

Muslim Swimwear at an Islamic Shop