Monday, March 26, 2012

Hot Bikini Models Wear Thongs-Or Do They?

Hot Bikini Models Wear Thongs-Or Do They?

Regardless if the beach, club, or pool that you go to allows woMen to wear thong bikinis, some hot bikini models swear that strutting around wearing a thong makes Men drool. Do you believe that?

Hot Bikini Models Wear Thongs-Or Do They?

Hot Bikini Models Wear Thongs-Or Do They?

Hot Bikini Models Wear Thongs-Or Do They?

Hot Bikini Models Wear Thongs-Or Do They?

Hot Bikini Models Wear Thongs-Or Do They?

What's so glamorous about seeing a woman's butt cheeks with a tiny sliver of fabric that follows the line up to her waist with cutely tied tiny bows? Many woMen are of the opinion that thong bikinis should not be worn in public, but rather as a seductive enhancer to an evening of romance. Then why do young woMen search for modeling gigs where they can wear thong bikinis?

During the early 1990s, the thong bikini made its appearance in print media, and most of the time, the thong was not pictured on a common-looking woman. Yes, maybe the print versions wereAir-brushed, or a model's flaws were covered up with photo-enhancing software, but nevertheless, thongs were introduced to the American public.

The Brazilians referred to the thong as a Thong, and they touted the fact that when a thong was worn underneath Clothing, that no panty lines were visible. Likewise, it was deemed to have heightened sex appeal from a man's point of view, because it appeared that a woman who wore a thong was not wearing underwear.

Although you will not find much fabric in a thong bikinior thong, underwear, the fashion experts heightened its appeal, and thongs began yielding big Dollars for the manufacturers and retailers. Quick on the scene were the women's fashion designers. They created jeans that were labeled "low rise," while the thongdistributors were quick to point out that low rise jeans gave more appeal to the teenage girls who wore thongs, since the top part and v-style of the thongs allowed women to show off their lingerie in a somewhat sensuous yet revealing manner.

In the year 2000, just two years after the launch of the thong, Americans bought more than 123 million thongs; thereby doubling the sales of 1998. Even more depressing for many people of the older generations, was the fact that young parents spent their hard-earned Dollars buying thongs for their daughters who were between the ages of 10 to 16.

Hot Bikini Models Wear Thongs-Or Do They?

Monday, March 5, 2012

A How-to-Guide-How To Become A Swimsuit Designer

A How-to-Guide-How To Become A Swimsuit Designer

How did they do it? It seems like one of the best Jobs around, and obviously there's a large amount of natural talent involved, but how do swimwear designers actually become swimwear designers? And can anyone do it?

A How-to-Guide-How To Become A Swimsuit Designer

A How-to-Guide-How To Become A Swimsuit Designer

A How-to-Guide-How To Become A Swimsuit Designer

A How-to-Guide-How To Become A Swimsuit Designer

A How-to-Guide-How To Become A Swimsuit Designer

Believe me, I asked myself these questions a lot when I first started out in the industry. Like many of us, I also harbored a secret desire to one day design my own range of swimwear. In fact, I still do. But, like anything, it takes a lot of hard work, and timing can be key. Designer swimwear is a niche market, and simply stated, only the best of the best survive. So while you may have a brilliant idea, this doesn't necessarily equal success.

Starting out

The first step is to learn as much as you can. Like anyprofession, the more you know the more valuable you are. I may not be a swimwear designer yet, but I certainly know a lot about swimwear. Be different in your knowledge base-knowing what's hot in swimwear this season isn't going to get you far. If you're really serious about becoming a swimwear designer, familiarize yourself with and research all aspects of the business. swimwear Learn how to design, learn about swimsuit fabrics, understand the financial aspects of swimwear design. The opportunities and the wealth of knowledge at your fingertips is limitless, all you need is a little creativity and determination.

Getting a little heavy sounding? Well it is. But you needn't get put off yet. Starting small, working on oneeleMent at a time and taking each part as it comes "is the best way to go. All swimwear designers, including the most talented in the industry, all started somewhere, and bar a few, they usually started out small. My advice? Start by nominating a goal, like knowing all the American swimwear designers, then work towards it. Once you have achieved this, choose another one, like knowing all the European swimwear designers, and work towards this one. Becoming a swimwear designer is a process, and what you'll be surprised at, even after a short period of time, is how much progress you've made. By breaking the task into small parts, you make the Job of becoming a swimwear designer much more manageable and much less daunting.

Could you be the nextwoMen's swimwear industry success?

I've had a lot of contact with a whole range of swimwear designers over the years, and they all say, no matter what their beginnings have been, that perseverance and patience is paramount.

Like the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day, and you can't expect to be the hottest new swimwear designer just because you want to be. That being said, a healthy amount of self confidence will take you a long way-and believe me, if you're truly serious about becoming a swimwear designer, you're going to take a couple of blows. A thick skin is also a must-you're going to endure a lot of criticism, not matter how good a swimwear designer you are.

Constructive Criticism &Networking

Whether it's constructive criticism or caused by jealousy, learning to distinguish between the two is skill you'll need to quickly develop. But if you can do this, and all the best swimwear designers mastered this early in their careers, then you'll be the better for it. Maximize the situation and take advanTAGe of the advice you're being offered by other, more experienced swimwear designers.

Networking is also really important. While the designer swimwear and fashion industry is highly competitive, you'll be surprised how willing some swimwear designers are to share their advice and give you some swimwear tips in the right direction. Try finding a Mentor, or do an internship with an established swimwear designer.The skills you'll develop under their guidance will be invaluable and also, priceless.

Designing your own range

Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for. It's now time to design your very own range of women's swimwear. But will all the hard work and time waiting pay off? Well if you've put in the effort, there's a good chance you'll see the results. But that's no guarantee. Unfortunately, starting your own line of designer swimwear involves a fAir amount of capital. Designing swimwear may be fun, but at the end of the day it is a business and it needs to make money. At a basic level, there's the production costs of actually making the swimwear, for example, the price of fabric and the labor to produce the swimwear. Then, ifyou're really serious, you're going to need money to market your women's swimwear label. Whether we'd like to admit it or not, swimwear design is a hype, marketing and promo-driven world, and even the best swimwear designers rely on a bit of good ol' fashioned advertising.

Finding a business partner, or an investor, is a good way of raising capital to start your swimwear label. To be taken seriously, it's probably best if you put together a business plan, and even design and make a small collection of swimwear. If you've been working towards the goal of becoming a swimwear designer for some time now, you've most likely already been designing swimwear for friends and colleagues. If not, it's something you might like to consider.As I mentioned earlier, you have to start somewhere when designing swimwear, and small is often best-there's less risk involved and it gives you the time you need to develop your skills.

Taking out a personal loan is another way you can tackle the money situation. Similarly, you'll need to have a business plan. Either way, a business plan is a must and will help you throughout the process of launching your women's swimwear label.

Ready to go?

A How-to-Guide-How To Become A Swimsuit Designer